Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Riihimäki, Uusimaa

Opening and scanning sewers

The sewer system is an important part of the building technology and regular sewer flushing ensures the proper functioning of the sewer system and prevents blockages, even water damage. For example, regular cleaning of kitchen drains significantly reduces the risk of sewer blockages.

After flushing, we routinely carry out a sewer scan. This ensures a high quality of work and excellent customer satisfaction. Sewer scanning is the best way to locate and document sewer failures and plan remedial measures.

Salonton’s sewer unblocking on-call 24/7, professional help in case of problems.

Viemäreiden avaukset

Pipework scanning

The building has a lot of pipelines: waste water pipes, drainage pipes and rainwater system pipes. Over time, many different kind of problems may occur: pipework wears out, something unwanted gets into the pipes or an external factor damages the pipe and it doesn’t work properly. The problem is investigated by a pipe scan, which produces a report that identifies the cause of the problem. Once the cause is known, the pipeline can be repaired in the best possible way.

There are many methods for repairing a pipe system. Examples of repair methods are pipe lining, pipe flushing, pipework unfreezing and pipe supporting.


Emptying rainwater well  

It is recommended to empty the sediment trap of the rainwater well every 1-5 years, depending on the location of the well. If there is too much sediment in the well, the sediment can float into the pipe and cause a blockage.

Our equipment can also be used to flush rainwater pipes to allow water flow.

In winter, a rainwater well may freeze, partly due to poor flow in the pipe. It would be wise to empty the rainwater well, or grate well, in the autumn before the frosts.

There is often a lot of stuff in the rainwater well that doesn’t belong there and should be removed: sand, cigarette butts, tools, stones, twigs, leaves, etc.

The price for emptying the rainwater well with a vacuum/pressure truck is 175€/h, including VAT + waste. The waste is transported to the landfill. Minimum charge 2 hours.

Viemäreiden kuvaus

Robotic sewer scan

Sewers can be scanned starting from 160mm pipe.

The robot can be used to determine the slope of the pipe. The robot is recommended when the pipe size is larger than 160 or when there is a lot of piping to be scanned.

Robot scanning 105€/h (VAT 0%)

Rainwater system maintenance

A particularly important maintenance measure for rainwater systems is the emptying of sediment traps of rainwater wells. If the sediment trap is emptied frequently enough, sand will not accumulate in the piping. Once in the piping, sand can block the system or prevent water from flowing quickly enough. In this case, the rainwater pipes need to be flushed out to get the system working properly again. Sometimes the system may have damaged. In these cases, a camera inspection can be used to determine the condition of the piping and to identify the damage. Based on the investigation, it is easy to plan the repair measures.


Sewer scanning for apartments in detached and terraced houses

Sewer scanning is extremely useful. It shows the current condition of the piping. If the sewer is blocked frequently, it is worth scanning the pipework to find out what is causing the blockage. This often helps to avoid extra costs, even if the cost of the scanning may seem high at first. With timely drainage scanning and flushing, many inconveniences and major repairs can be avoided. If the poor condition of the pipeline is detected early enough, several methods of repair can be used to avoid a major renovation. Examples of these methods are lining or coating of the pipes.

A problem in a sewer pipe is not always detected until it is too late. The pipe may leak into the base floor, which can lead to major costs.tässä on suomeksi piste ja sitten kuitenkin pieni alkukirjain, oletan niiden olevan erillisiä lauseita The soil mass in the base floor becomes contaminated and bacteria in the sewage water will be thriving, causing indoor air problems. Or if the pipe supports are broken, a drainage blockage can occur – if the occupants are not at home, this can cause extensive water damage. So, order a drainage survey in good time!


Sewer cleaning in a apartment

The cost of sewer cleaning in your flat depends on many factors: how many kitchen drains you have, how old the plumbing is, how many floor drains there are in the building and how many sinks you have. The location of the apartment also affects the pricing.

Sewers can be cleaned by brushing or pressure washing. If the drain is very dirty, both methods can be used together.

Our services:

  • Sewer cleaning and inspection for a detached house
  • Sewer cleaning and inspection for a semi-detached house
  • Sewer cleaning and inspection for a terraced house
  • Pipework scanning for construction sites
  • For more accurate prices, use our sewer offer calculator
  • Sewer cleaning, flushing and brushing.

Sewers are cleaned using water and by brushing. The cleaning method is always selected on a case-by-case basis.

Sewer cleaning and inspection are usually carried out for the following reasons:

  • Sewers smell bad.
  • Sewer pipes don’t drain properly.
  • There’s something in the sewer that doesn’t belong there.
  • The sewer is blocked.
  • Preventive maintenance of a sewer.

Finding out the reason for smelly sewer.

We use a smoke test and sewer scanning to identify the source of the smell.

Rainwater system scanning

The rainwater system should be scanned to avoid unexpected damage during flood seasons. If the rainwater cannot flow out through its intended route, it will find an alternative route. In the worst case, it can cause damage to a car park or your property. 

Emptying of wells:

  • Emptying of sand traps
  • Cleaning and emptying of rainwater wells
  • Emptying and maintenance of grease traps.
  • Gutter (chute well) melting and cleaning

Underground drain maintenance

Maintenance measures for the underground drainage system include checking the condition of the drain by scanning, flushing the drainage pipes, replacing the drainage pipe and of course emptying the drainage wells.