Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Riihimäki, Uusimaa

How are drains maintained?

Because drainage failure is usually not noticed in time, drainage maintenance is easily missed. If not regularly scanned, a hidden malfunctioning drain can cause major problems for the building over time.

A blockage/lack of drainage can be seen as spots on wall and floor surfaces or it can cause tiles and coating to come loose. A musty smell can be a sign of dampness in the structures. We recommend timely drainage maintenance to avoid these problems, as a damp surface is the best place for mould and microbes to grow and thrive.

Drain scanning

Drain scan includes a careful inspection of the pipework condition and a written report.  Based on the report and video, it is easy to assess whether any maintenance work is necessary in addition to flushing.

In the worst case, the drain may have collapsed and the report shows where the system is damaged. Damaged drainage never works properly, so the risk of water damage is high. With the report and video, it is easy to ask for a cost estimate from a professional company.

Our scanning services include:

  • Scanning of rainwater drains
  • Scanning of underground drains
  • Emptying of rainwater wells
  • Scanning of wastewater lines
  • Locating wells
Viemäreiden avaukset

Drain flushing in Uusimaa (capital region)

Drain flushing removes impurities from the pipes. Flushing is an effective way of verifying the condition of the drainage system. Flushing also helps to see if enough crushed stone was used when the drainage system was built to allow water to move through the soil.

If the soil surrounding the drainage pipe is not permeable, the flushing water will stand in the pipe and the system will not work as it should. The scan report gives us information about the condition of the drainage system.

We provide the following flushing services:

  • Rainwater lines
  • Underground drains
  • Wastewater lines
  • Wells

Underground drain maintenance

Inspections and maintenance of the drainage network recommended by the Finnish Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate https://www.sisailmayhdistys.fi/Sisailmayhdistys/FiSIAQ-30-years:

-Underground drainage inspection from inspection wells once a year, checking the functioning of the backwater valves

-Cleaning of the drainage network every 10 years, flushing and scanning of the drains.

-Maintenance of drainage pumping stations every 5 years, inspection every year.

Drain water pumping stations should be fitted with an alarm.

Our maintenance services include:

  • Drain scan
  • Drain flushing
  • Locating and digging up underground drain wells
  • Emptying underground drain wells
  • Raising underground drain wells

We want to find the right solution for our customer’s needs. In most cases, only a scan is required for drainage maintenance, but if a problem occurs, it needs to be fixed. It is in the customer’s interest to get the drain scanning and maintenance carried out by the same service provider, as it is often difficult for companies to give a price estimate for a service based on a report from service provider. We always try to serve the customer from start to finish to resolve situations and avoid further problems.

We operate in Uusimaa: Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Riihimäki, Nummela etc.

We come to inspect and scan/image the underground drainage of your house, housing company or even larger property throughout Uusimaa. We check the condition of the pipes and find out if the drains need to be flushed or repaired. You can easily contact us by phone or using the form below and we will do the necessary work quickly and comprehensively.

Information on underground drainage maintenance

Best time for drainage scanning?

The best times for drainage imaging are spring and autumn. In spring, the melting snow fills the drains with water and it’s easy to see if they are working properly. In autumn, heavy rainfall puts a strain on drains and it’s easy to see how well they are working.

What should residents remember to do regarding the drainage system?

  1. 1-2 times a year, take a look in the underground drain well to see if the water has risen higher than the drainage pipe.
  2. Order a drainage scanning once every 10 years. If the drainage professional has recommended more frequent flushing of the drains, the recommendation should be followed. Old houses have old-fashioned drainage systems that are more likely to get blocked.

Water damage caused by underground drainage system

If a building suffers water damage due to a malfunctioning drainage system, this is not usually covered by home insurance. To avoid major damage, we recommend carrying out drainage scanning too often rather than too infrequently. When should the underground drainage be flushed? Drainage flushing should not be carried just for fun. The drainage pipe is perforated material and in the worst case, flushing may bring more soil into the pipe than there was initially.

For this reason, it is always a good idea to scan the pipes first. This will show where and how much the soil has accumulated. Based on the results, it is possible to plan for future maintenance. This also helps to avoid additional costs.

We got new underground drains, but do they work?

Most of the defects found in the drainage systems have already occurred during the construction time. Accidents happen: an installer may leave a plug in the pipe or an excavator may push the pipe flat. So yes, scanning is recommended for new drainage systems as well.

When should you empty the sediment traps of the drainage system?

Underground drain wells should be emptied when sediment starts to rise into the drainage pipe. If the sediment gets into the pipe, it will be blocked.

How to unblock the drainage pipe?

We use water to flush the pipes open. Through the nozzles, we run a large amount of water that carries the dirt out of the pipe and into the sediment trap.